Let’s paint! Let’s play!

Season Underwriter

Season Underwriter
West Foundation, Inc.
Season Underwriter
The Aschenbrenner Fund
Season Underwriter
Tom & Virginia Bare Charitable Fund
Season Sponsor
Mark Barkley Miller
Season Sponsor

Season Media Sponsor

Season Media Sponsor
The Estate of Rebel Kanzelberger
Fricke Printing Service
Concert Champions
Nobuo Uematsu (b. 1959)
Final Fantasy Suite
Final Fantasy VII: Opening Theme & Bombing Mission
Final Fantasy VI: Interceptor
Final Fantasy X: To Zanarkand
Final Fantasy VIII: Liberi Fatali
Final Fantasy IV: Theme of Love
Yoko Shimomura (b. 1967)
Final Fantasy XV: Somnus
Masashi Hamauzu (b. 1971)
Final Fantasy XIII: Blinded by Light
15 minute intermission
Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881) orchestrated by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
Tableaux d’une Exposition (Pictures at an Exhibition)
1. Gnomus (The Gnome)
2. Il vecchio castello (The Old Castle)
3. Tuileries, Dispute d’infants après jeux (Tuileries, Children’s Quarrel after Games)
4. Bydlo
5. Ballet des pousins dans leurs coques (Ballet of Unhatched Chicks)
6. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle
7. Limoges, Le Marché (Limoges, The Market Place)
8. Catacombae, Sepulcrum romanum — Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (Catacombs Roman Tomb — With the Dead in a Dead Language)
9. La cabana sur des pastes de pool, Baba Yaga (The Hut on Hen’s Legs, Baba Yaga)
10. La grande porte de Kiev (The Great Gate of Kiev)
Got Spotify?
Check out Dylan’s playlist, updated with each concert to give you a taste of what we’ll play. A free Spotify account is needed.
Nobuo Uematsu (b. 1959) is a Japanese composer and keyboardist best known for his contributions to the Final Fantasy video game series. A self-taught musician, he began playing the piano at the age of twelve.
Uematsu joined the Square video game company in 1986, where he most notably contributed to the Final Fantasy series that we will play selections from this evening. After nearly two decades with Square, Uematsu formed his own production company and music label and has since composed music for many other games.
Uematsu cites Elton John as his biggest musical influence and has said that ’70s bands, such as Pink Floyd and King Crimson, influenced his Final Fantasy compositions. He has had a major influence beyond the video game industry as well. “Liberi Fatali” from Final Fantasy VIII was played during the 2004 Summer Olympics. From the same game, “Eyes on Me”, sold a record 400,000 copies and was the first song from a video game to win an award at the Japan Gold Disc Awards, where it won “Song of the Year (International)” in 2000.
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839 – 1881) was a Russian composer, one of the group known as “The Five“. He was an innovator of Russian music in the Romantic period and strove to achieve a uniquely Russian musical identity, often in deliberate defiance of the established conventions of Western music.
For many years, Mussorgsky’s works were mainly known in versions revised or completed by other composers. Many of his most important compositions have posthumously come into their own in their original forms, and some of the original scores are now also available.
Many of his works were inspired by Russian history, Russian folklore, and other national themes. Such works include the opera Boris Godunov, the orchestral tone poem Night on Bald Mountain and the piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition.
Pictures at an Exhibition is a piano suite in ten movements, plus a recurring and varied Promenade theme, written in 1874 by Mussorgsky. It is a musical depiction of a tour of an exhibition of works by architect and painter Viktor Hartmann put on at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg, following his sudden death in the previous year. Each movement of the suite is based on an individual work, some of which are lost.
The composition has become a showpiece for virtuoso pianists, and became widely known from orchestrations and arrangements produced by other composers and contemporary musicians, with Maurice Ravel’s 1922 adaptation for orchestra being the most recorded and performed. The suite, particularly the final movement, “The Bogatyr Gates,” is widely considered one of Mussorgsky’s greatest works.
Joseph Maurice Ravel (1875 – 1937) was a French composer, pianist and conductor internationally regarded as France’s greatest living composer in the 20s and 30s.
Ravel found his own way as a composer, developing a style of great clarity and incorporating elements of modernism, baroque, neoclassicism and, in his later works, jazz. He liked to experiment with musical form, as in his best-known work, Boléro. Ravel made some orchestral arrangements of other composers’ piano music, of which his 1922 version of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition is the best known.
Ravel was among the first composers to recognise the potential of recording to bring their music to a wider public. Despite limited technique as a pianist or conductor, he took part in recordings of several of his works; others were made under his supervision.
With this concert, we celebrate art, collaboration, and new technology. Pictures at an Exhibition was inspired by visual artwork. The music from Final Fantasy was inspired by video game characters, story, and gameplay. We celebrate this collaborative art by projecting a third—a new film that is being manipulated in real time by a brand new technology—Midwestern made.
We celebrate the 30-year anniversary of official association with sister city Kamogawa, Japan. For three decades, citizens from two shores have shared their story, their ingenuity, and their creativity.
We celebrate music education in our schools. Musicians from Hayley Rathmell’s orchestras at Lincoln High School are playing side-by-side with MSO for this concert, performing music that is as vigorous and flourishing as they are.
The Manitowoc Symphony Orchestra led by Dylan Chmura-Moore
Members of the Lincoln High School Orchestra led by Hayley Rathmell
Symphony Roster updated 1/25/24
Carrie Kulas, Concertmaster
Jim VanLanen Jr.
Lori Bonin
Jaci Collins
Heidi Barker
Jennifer Knoeck
Iuliiya Mykolyk
Monica Hrudik
Kiley Bowman
Josh Agen
Mary Lewis
Joan Geraldson, Virginia Bare Memorial Principal Second
Violin Chair
Ryan Kraemer
Dan Ognavic
Joyce Malloy
Rebecca Briesemeister
Taylor Rudlaff
Brooke LaMonica
Bruce Bowers
David Oldenburg
Lauren Oldenburg
Jane Bradshaw Finch, principal
Ann Stephen
Sarah Oftedahl
Amy Beekhuizen
Andy Bruzewicz
Matthew Kirkendall
Steve Schani
Charles Stephan, Karen Steingraber Principal Cello Chair
Andrew Piehl
Michael Dewhirst
Wendy Scattergood
Nancy Kaphaem
Anne Keran
Rori Beatty
Brianna Lundberg
Brian Kulas, principal
Jessica Otte
Lee Klemens
John Smoody
Angela Erdmann, Michelle Garnett Klaiber Principal Flute Chair
Cathy Burback
Jenny Snedeker
Joshua Guarisco, Les J. Graebel Memorial & Emily and Mike Howe Family Principal Oboe Chair
Heidi Hess
Heather Guadagnino
Laura McLaughlin, Mark Klaiber Principal Clarinet Chair
Orlando Pimentel
Hakeem Davidson
Drew Whiting
Josh Fleming, David Satchell Memorial Principal Bassoon Chair
Andrew Jackson
Susan Lawrence McCardell
Michelle McQuade Dewhirst, principal
Wanda Braden
Kelly Haselhuhn
Keith Powell
John Daniel, John & Laurale Stern Principal Trumpet Chair
Jessica Jensen
Bill Hampton
Jonathan Winkle, principal
Rick Seybold
Mark Hoelscher
Mike Forbes
John Aaholm, principal
Victoria Daniel, Ellen Jane Lohmeyer Memorial Principal Percussion Chair
Abby Van Pay
Joe Vetter
Mary Keppeler
Nick Towns
Marcus Wakefield
Members of the Lincoln High School Orchestra
Violin I
Emma Burgard
Paulo George*
Soraya George*
Ian Hang
Anna Kakatsch
Alivia Kuehnel
Violin II
Dalia Galvez-Garcia
Caitlyn Gillman*
Parker Nechodomu
Adrianna Taylor
Miyu Tsuruta*
Vincent Wiler
Shane Hornburg
Anthony Keodara
Kevin Keodara
Jeremy Tapia
Leyah VanElls
Zoey Zeller
Alexander Cantu
Lillian Garrington
Olivia Gomez
Graham Oldenburg*
Lindsay Shanklin
Samantha Schroeder
Pantera Bardwell
Directed by Hayley Rathmell
*Special Guests

Hayley Rathmell
Born and raised in Des Plaines, Illinois, Hayley is the newest addition to the Manitowoc Public School District music department. She directs the orchestras at Lincoln High School, Wilson Middle School, and Washington Middle School. At the young age of 10, Hayley took interest in and began playing the cello. Shortly after, she learned the double bass and percussion, thus sparking her fascination and career in music.
Hayley graduated from UW La Crosse in 2021 with a Bachelor’s of Science in music education, performance emphasis, after completing her student teaching with Audrey Nowak at Bayport High School. Soon after graduation, she pursued a graduate certificate in ethnomusicology and is in the process of completing her Master’s Degree in orchestral conducting at the UW Milwaukee.
During her time in school, Hayley served as the principal cellist of the UW La Crosse Symphony Orchestra for two years, as well as took on the role of student conductor of the orchestra, debuting her conducting career with Night on Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky. She also participated in the Screaming Eagles Marching Band, serving as the head drum major of the 2020 season. Hayley earned the Thomas Annett Outstanding Senior in Music award in her final year of undergraduate studies. In her time at UW Milwaukee, she served as the teacher’s assistant and student conductor of the University of Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, working under the direction of Dr. Jun Kim. Along with teaching, Hayley is currently working gigs throughout the city of Manitowoc and with the Youth Theater Program in Sheboygan.

Join us at Stage Door Pub immediately following the concert for the after party featuring complimentary snacks, special drinks at their cash bar, and liquor raffles.
Tickets are sold by the Capitol Civic Centre Box Office, 913 S. 8th Street, Manitowoc WI, 920.683.2184. Click for online ticketing.
Ticket prices are Tier 1-$35, Tier 2-$32, and Tier 3-$28. Plus a $4 handling fee per ticket and sales tax.
Ages 35 and under may purchase Tier 2 or Tier 3 tickets for $15 (including tax and fees).
This performance is not rated.
Let’s Paint! Let’s Play! A Symphony Concert Celebrating Art, Collaboration and New Technology
MANITOWOC, WI, January 19, 2024 – Manitowoc Symphony Orchestra (MSO) rings in the new year with: Let’s Paint! Let’s Play! Pictures and games under the direction of Dylan Chmura-Moore on Saturday, February 3 at 7:30pm on the stage of the Capitol Civic Centre. With this concert, the MSO celebrates art, collaboration, and new technology. The unique program will feature the music from Final Fantasy– inspired by video game characters, story and gameplay – along with Pictures at an Exhibition – inspired by visual artwork – including the projection of a new film that is being manipulated in real time by a brand new technology—Midwestern made.
Celebrating music education in our schools, the MSO will be joined in the Paint and Play effort by special guests. Members of the Lincoln High School Orchestra, conducted by Hayley Rathmell, will play side-by-side with MSO for this concert, performing music that is vigorous, flourishing and fun!
The inspirational Pictures at an Exhibition (Ravel/Mussorgsky) will arrest our senses with its colorful brilliance. Pictures at an Exhibition is a piano suite in ten movements, plus a recurring and varied Promenade theme, written in 1874 by Mussorgsky. It is a musical depiction of a tour of an exhibition of works by architect and painter Viktor Hartmann put on at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg. Each movement of the suite is based on an individual work, some of which are lost. Maurice Ravel’s 1922 adaptation of the composition for orchestra is one of the most recorded and performed. The suite, particularly the final movement, “The Bogatyr Gates,” is widely considered one of Mussorgsky’s greatest works.
The sensational music of the Final Fantasy Suite features moving favorites from the video game universe composed by Nobuo Uematsu, a Japanese composer and musician. Uematsu is considered to be the “Beethoven of gaming composers”. A self-taught musician who began playing piano at age twelve, Uematsu joined the Square video game company in 1986 where he composed the notable selections of the Final Fantasy Series. Uematsu cites Elton John as his biggest musical influence and has expressed that ‘70s bands, such as Pink Floyd and King Crimson, influenced his Final Fantasy compositions.
In recognition of the 30th Anniversary of sister-city friendship, the MSO dedicates this performance to the celebration of 30 years of friendship with Manitowoc’s sister-city, Kamogawa, Japan. For three decades, citizens from two shores have shared their story, their ingenuity and their creativity.
Tickets for this performance are currently available for advance purchase. Walk-ins may also purchase tickets the night of the concert. Tickets are sold by the Capitol Civic Centre Box Office, 913 S. 8th Street, Manitowoc, by telephone at 920-683-2184, or may be purchased online at cccshows.org. Ticket prices are Tier 1-$35, Tier 2-$32, and Tier 3-$28. Plus tax and handling. Ages 35 and under may purchase Tier 2 or Tier 3 tickets for $15.
Following the concert, an Afterglow will be held at the Stage Door Pub, 701 Franklin Street, Manitowoc. Snacks will be served and Special Drinks will be available to purchase.
ABOUT MSO: Manitowoc, Wisconsin is one of the smallest cities to have its own symphony orchestra. The mission of the Manitowoc Symphony Orchestra Association is to promote the highest quality orchestral music experiences available to patrons and musicians. Music’s true power is to move and unite people. Hearing music is about discovering what connects us all—uncovering shared eternal truths. The MSO is currently celebrating its 73rd season. manitowocsymphony.org
CONTACT: Peggy Pitz, MSO Executive Director | 920-684-3492 or pwpitz@ameritech.net
Got Spotify?
Check out Dylan’s playlist, updated with each concert to give you a taste of what we’ll play. A free Spotify account is needed.
Listen to our radio promotion sponsored by Seehafer Broadcasting

Pre-Concert Gathering on Ryan’s on York
712 York St, Manitowoc
Wednesday, Jan 31st 6:00pm – ?
Featuring the MSO String Quartet
Video Games
$15 Ticket Vouchers for our Feb 3rd Concert
Special drink menu
Costumes encouraged!
Photos by Doug Paschen, Tina Prigge, and Erin Mikkelsen