Play for the Symphony

The Manitowoc Symphony is made up of a core of local volunteer musicians who rehearse on a weekly basis. Rehearsals for the local core are held on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:30 pm, most often at Washington Junior High School in Manitowoc. For dress rehearsals and concerts, the local core is supplemented by professional musicians from area communities in Wisconsin, and even as far away as northern Illinois.
If you are a local string player interested in joining the volunteer core, please fill out the form below. We will set up a friendly and painless audition and try to get you involved in the next series of rehearsals and concerts.
If you are a local woodwind, brass, or percussion player, you should also fill out the form below. However, because all players in these sections are soloists, please understand that we take on new players only as vacancies become available. You are still strongly encouraged to email us so that we know of your interest and can get your name on the list of substitutions.
If you are a professional musician seeking employment with the MSO, fill out the form below. When we receive your email, your contact information will be added to the list of substitutions. Rather than holding auditions, our standard policy is to fill any vacancies from the sub list. Since we have well-established relationships with many freelance orchestral players, please be advised that the number of vacancies in any season is fairly small. Section string players have a much higher probability of being hired from the sub list, but all instrumentalists are strongly encouraged to submit their information, since doing so is the first step to getting hired.